Make your vision work

Make your vision work! How to successfully implement your vision

Even the best vision is of no use if you don’t communicate it effectively. And in such a way that it reaches the minds, hearts and hands of your employees and is consistently targeted in day-to-day business as an image of the future. In theory, this sounds logical and simple, but in practice it is anything but trivial. Therefore, this is where the work really begins.

Ertrag Unternehmenswert

Vision creates earnings & enterprise value

– Less comparability – more unique position and margin
– No stagnation – more potential utilization and turnover
– Lower costs – higher yield
– Fewer financial worries – maximum enterprise value

Klarheit Wirksamkeit

Vision creates clarity & effectiveness

– Less confusion – more clarity and orientation
– Fewer conflicts – more unity and alignment
– Less distraction – more focus and power
– Less effort and stress – higher leadership effectiveness

How much is a good mission and vision worth in euros?

You will more easily attract and retain your customers, your investors and your employees. Show people a future they can look forward to. Take your chance. Don’t wait until someone comes along who has a great vision. Develop your bright future now.

Six strategies for success in the next era of mobility

Electromobility and autonomous driving are coming. I remember well that even in leading automotive companies, this statement was fundamentally questioned just a few years ago. There is now agreement on this, and the only disagreement among leadership teams is about the speed of change and the urgency of action.

They are inherently blind to the future!

This future blindness is innate: the human brain is structurally more of a brake block than a springboard to the future. Often we recognize the future only when it is already past. But the good news is that we can re-educate and train it.

Create your own crises instead

Mechanical engineering “made in Germany” – what guaranteed top positions in the global market for decades is in danger of being lost.

Tame the short term animal in you!

Humans are the only creatures that can think about long-term futures – but apparently not very well. Sometimes you can feel sorry for politicians. As

Secure your existence – in future markets

Markets worth billions, markets of the future, growth markets. To some, these words sound like something from a bygone era. After all, everyone knows that growth is the devil’s stuff and that soon there won’t be any left. And anyway, why does it always have to be more of everything?

FMG Trend System

FutureManagementGroup AG provides all megatrends in a trend system that has been used successfully many times. This makes your job and your business model future-proof and your decisions better!

What is special about the FMG?

Crash course future strategy

Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić guides you in 7 videos in 60 minutes to rethink the future of your company with the Eltville model. 15 concrete measures for your robust and innovative future strategy.