Articles and interviews
Mechanical engineering and production
Vision candidates for the digital transformation As a company in the mechanical and plant engineering sector, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master
September 2018 – Is your vision still up to date?
Many companies have now recognized the value of a vision. But can a picture of the future be developed without looking in detail at various aspects of the future? The FutureManagementGroup AG vision seminar brings together future management and vision work.
The end of the car – as we know it: The automotive industry in transition
The automotive industry is facing the biggest transformation in its history. In just 15 years, according to one conceivable scenario, no one will buy a car anymore. The reason: Increasing connectivity and intelligent automation of vehicles is turning mobility into a service offering – a multi-trillion dollar market. The differences between the old era of the automobile and the new era of mobility are massive, but with a good strategy, the transformation can succeed.
Interview: Developing the digitization strategy for Zurich’s public transport company
In an interview with Simon Räbsamen (VBZ) and Enno Däneke (FMG), Dr. Pero Mićić explores how Zurich’s public transport operators have successfully geared up for a digital future.
The automobile radically different: EVA requires new components, systems, interfaces and services
According to studies, 125 million connected vehicles will be sold worldwide between 2018 and 2022 – an increase of 270 percent. By 2025, all new cars are likely to be networked and the demand for digital services is therefore expected to grow strongly.
The future of mobility: The 8 most important trends and technologies
As an automotive supplier, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future?
Roadmap to Disaster? Surviving Disruption!
As an automotive supplier, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future? In the area of tension between continuity and disruption, the development of a future-robust vision and strategy is an urgent necessity. Trends and technologies will permanently change both customer expectations and mobility itself. Parts of the traditional automotive value chain are disappearing. Especially when much of today’s business is threatened, successful transformation requires a clear vision.
Why does the machine still need humans?
We can recognize. We are a sensory marvel. We can see, hear and feel all kinds of things. And yet the machine is already better at it.
How much is a good mission and vision worth in euros?
You will more easily attract and retain your customers, your investors and your employees. Show people a future they can look forward to. Take your chance. Don’t wait until someone comes along who has a great vision. Develop your bright future now.
More mobility – fewer cars: Is the German automotive industry facing extinction?
In retrospect, the early 2020s will mark the beginning of the end of individual motorized transport and the internal combustion engine. Massive changes are in store for the automotive industry, as the mobility world of the 2030s will be a different, radically data-driven and service-oriented one. In the worst-case scenario, German automakers are suppliers to the major U.S. IT giants.
May 2018: LogReal.Direkt – Enno Däneke on Disruption
Disruption makes for new concepts! What are the effects of disruptive technologies such as autonomous driving and artificial intelligence in conjunction with the increasingly scarce and demanding “resource” of humans?
25.05.2018: medicine&technology
Fuád Abuschuscha explains how artificial intelligence will change our future. Download the full article!
Genome Editing and CRISPR
Since time immemorial, man’s goal has been to improve himself and his living conditions. To do this, we use science and technology and, in doing so, we repeatedly cross boundaries.
Video: Glory or downfall? What about the future of TESLA?
Dr. Pero Micic explains how digitization will change our future. Download the entire interview!
We need vision: How to use your most powerful leadership tool
Successful transformation requires a clear vision. Even in turbulent times, it gives a company the orientation, focus and clarity it needs to respond to external changes and not only survive change, but actively shape it.
Six strategies for success in the next era of mobility
Electromobility and autonomous driving are coming. I remember well that even in leading automotive companies, this statement was fundamentally questioned just a few years ago. There is now agreement on this, and the only disagreement among leadership teams is about the speed of change and the urgency of action.
Challenge your assumptions: What will the future of mobility REALLY look like?
There are currently many forecasts and scenarios for the future of mobility. As an entrepreneur or manager, which ones can you really build your vision and strategy on? How will we really be mobile in the future? What’s next? What works? What remains?
Will blockchains & co. revolutionize our lives and work?
Blockchain technology is seen as having great potential: It is supposed to simplify, democratize, revolutionize and disrupt almost everything, i.e. make it superfluous. It is designed to create new markets and destroy known markets. It is said to be the biggest innovation since the invention of the World Wide Web. But what actually is blockchain? And who exactly will benefit and how?
Surviving Disruption: How Automotive Suppliers are Mastering the Transition to the New Mobility Era
So we are on the way to a new era of mobility. So far, so good. But what does the way there look like?
Roadmap to Disaster: Why no one will buy a car in 15 years
The Ford Model T marked the beginning of mass motorization more than 100 years ago. The street scene, dominated by carriages, was to change completely within a few years starting in 1908.
Crash course future strategy
In 7 videos in 60 minutes, Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić guides you to rethink the future of your company with the Eltville model. 15 concrete measures for your robust and innovative future strategy.