Articles and interviews
What do you need to learn today for your future?
With everything changing so quickly, what should you and your children and grandchildren be learning and studying today to be prepared for the future?
Implementing the future effectively with OKR
Objectives and Key Results, or O K R for short, is finding more and more followers. This paper provides an overview of what OKR is,
The difference between mission and vision
Dr. Pero Mićić Actually, the difference between mission and vision is quite simple. They are very clearly definable and defined terms. Actually. And yet very
Make your vision work! How to successfully implement your vision
Even the best vision is of no use if you don’t communicate it effectively. And in such a way that it reaches the minds, hearts and hands of your employees and is consistently targeted in day-to-day business as an image of the future. In theory, this sounds logical and simple, but in practice it is anything but trivial. Therefore, this is where the work really begins.
Vision creates earnings & enterprise value
– Less comparability – more unique position and margin
– No stagnation – more potential utilization and turnover
– Lower costs – higher yield
– Fewer financial worries – maximum enterprise value
Vision creates energy & performance
Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 5 With three examples I will show you
Vision creates simplicity & efficiency
Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 4 Using three examples, I’ll show you how
Vision creates clarity & effectiveness
– Less confusion – more clarity and orientation
– Fewer conflicts – more unity and alignment
– Less distraction – more focus and power
– Less effort and stress – higher leadership effectiveness
Vision creates opportunities & security
Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 2 Using four examples, I will show you
How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment!
Are you satisfied with the expressiveness and impact of your mission and vision? Does it make you and your employees confident? Do you feel future-proof?
Autonomous trucks – What do drivers do?
The next ten years will radically change freight transport by road. Where they still exist, drivers will take on entirely new roles.
Nothing remains as it is
Berthold Müssig explains how technological changes will influence the future.
Profiting from the digital transformation
Chatbots or robo-advisor applications are now also in use within the banking, fund and insurance landscape. The systems, some of which are based on artificial intelligence (AI), can do much more than one might think.
Filling the vacuum of digitization among brokers
How will artificial intelligence change the market for financial and insurance services? This question was the focus of this year’s BCA Press Dialog in Frankfurt am Main. The key takeaway from the event was that “the added value of the intermediary remains.”
5 vision candidates for the craft sector and its partners
What direction are you aiming for as a craft company or partner of the craft industry?
5 vision candidates for automotive suppliers
Digitization, electrification and autonomous driving, as well as new target groups and forms of use of mobility services, will open up numerous opportunities for automotive suppliers in the coming years. But which of them fit the respective company, i.e. its culture, mission, positioning and business models?
Future craft: The 8 most important trends and technologies
As a craft company or partner in the craft sector, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future?
Skills of the future
One feature of the 2020s will be that artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic systems will progressively shape our everyday professional and personal lives. AI will become ubiquitous in the enterprise, so that sound and competitive corporate management is no longer conceivable without it.
Smart craft: Between tradition and technology
As a craft company or partner in the craft sector, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future? In the area of tension between continuity and disruption, the development of a future-robust vision and strategy is an urgent necessity. Trends and technologies will permanently change both customer expectations and the craft itself.
The future of mechanical engineering: The 8 most important trends and technologies
As a machine builder, are you looking for a strategy to successfully master the challenges of the future?
Crash course future strategy
In 7 videos in 60 minutes, Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić guides you to rethink the future of your company with the Eltville model. 15 concrete measures for your robust and innovative future strategy.