AI and robotics: income without work – this is how we finance it!
To prevent the economy and society from collapsing, we will have to help people earn an income without them working in the traditional sense. But how are we going to finance this?
AI kills all jobs – and then what? Three scenarios
AI and intelligent humanoid robots will perform more and more human tasks. And they will do them better, faster and cheaper. Many people will work much less or not at all in normal jobs. And earn less or nothing. But how will we live then? And how will our companies survive? That is the central question of our time!
Humanoid robots: how much will they cost? (Part 4)
If humanoid robots become widespread, it will be the greatest technical revolution and disruption in human history. But will companies and people be able to afford their work at all? How much will a humanoid robot cost?
Humanoid robots: how will they learn? (Part 3)
How do humanoid robots learn? Through training? Observation? Imitation? Experience? Humanoid robots will fundamentally change our working world and thus also society. It is time to prepare for this new era.
Humanoid robots: will they be intelligent enough? (Part 2)
Yesterday science fiction, today reality, tomorrow revolution: Will humanoid robots now also become intelligent? All the arguments and the answer can be found in this article.
Humanoid robots: the solution to the labor shortage? (Part 1)
Dr. Pero Mićić A few weeks ago, the Chinese government made a consequential announcement. Which only a few people noticed. It’s about humanoid robots. Humanoid
How long will the battery in an EV last?
How long does an electric car’s battery last? Some say several hundred thousand kilometers, while others claim that after barely 100,000 kilometers, the battery is junk and must be disposed of as hazardous waste. So, what’s the truth?
How fast will AI develop?
Many people make fun of what ChatGPT & Co. cannot do. Most people have difficulty imagining exponential developments. How fast will AI get better?
How intelligent will AI become?
How intelligent will AI become in the foreseeable future? The decisive factor is not that AI still makes mistakes today. What is decisive is that there are already hardly any humans who know and can do so much in so many areas.
Do we really need to go to mars? The mission of SpaceX
Making humanity a multiplanetary species. That is SpaceX’s mission. Is it just a giant waste of money and resources? And ultra-rich men who don’t know what to do with all their money? Or is it an investment in the survival of humanity?
Russia-Ukraine – too much history – too little future
Dr. Pero Mićić How does someone like me and my team, who are working intensively on the future and on strategies for the future, deal
How will artificial intelligence change diagnostics and consulting in medicine?
Fuád Abuschuscha In 1956, the Dartmouth Conference, the first scientific conference on artificial intelligence (AI), was held in Hanover, New Hampshire/USA. For decades, AI systems
Metaverse! What you need to know and do now
Suddenly everyone is talking about the metaverse. The next big thing? Is that realistic? Is that really what’s coming? What threats and what opportunities does the Metaverse bring to you professionally and business-wise? You can find out the answers here.
Customer requirements in logistics: What will end customers expect differently in the future?
Enno Däneke Extreme speed as a customer expectation The demands that end customers place on logistics companies will increase massively in the future. An important
Wind power, but different
Shipping is a massive burden on the atmosphere. But there is a concrete solution to the environmental problem: wind power, but different.
This is the most important qualification for the future
Dr. Pero Mićić It’s said that two-thirds of today’s students will work in jobs in their lifetime that we don’t know about today. What should
Will autonomous vehicles become established by 2030?
Will autonomous vehicles really come? Or will this end up being just one of those crazy illusions of tech fans? Here you will find all the arguments in favor and against.
AI translator: you will speak all languages
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been told that you have to learn foreign languages to be successful in your career. This could prove to be bad advice in the future. The reason: AI translators are getting better and better!
FUTURE BUSINESS: AI app helps save millions of lives
In the Future Business series, we take a look at markets and business areas that are just at the beginning of the famous S-curve, meaning they still offer great opportunities and are transferable to many industries. Certainly also on your business and your job.
The trend system for your business
Professionally managed companies systematically observe future trends and evaluate them. Use the FMG Trend System for this!
FMG Trend System
FutureManagementGroup AG provides all megatrends in a trend system that has been used successfully many times. This makes your job and your business model future-proof and your decisions better!
Crash course future strategy
Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić guides you in 7 videos in 60 minutes to rethink the future of your company with the Eltville model. 15 concrete measures for your robust and innovative future strategy.