They are inherently blind to the future!

This future blindness is innate: the human brain is structurally more of a brake block than a springboard to the future. Often we recognize the future only when it is already past. But the good news is that we can re-educate and train it.

Create your own crises instead

Mechanical engineering “made in Germany” – what guaranteed top positions in the global market for decades is in danger of being lost.

Secure your existence – in future markets

Markets worth billions, markets of the future, growth markets. To some, these words sound like something from a bygone era. After all, everyone knows that growth is the devil’s stuff and that soon there won’t be any left. And anyway, why does it always have to be more of everything?

Well? Disappointed or overwhelmed?

Mechanical engineering “made in Germany” – what guaranteed top positions in the global market for decades is in danger of being lost.

Why you need to find new markets and professions

Our future markets need more than just high technologies and knowledge professions. Many companies, industries and professions will gradually reach the end of their era in Germany and Europe. Such things have been happening for thousands of years, but today at an increasing pace.