ChatGPT: How AI will change work and business
This Artificial Intelligence will change your life, your profession and your business. Google’s top management is shocked and declares a red alert. It is about ChatGPT.
Metaverse! What you need to know and do now
Suddenly everyone is talking about the metaverse. The next big thing? Is that realistic? Is that really what’s coming? What threats and what opportunities does the Metaverse bring to you professionally and business-wise? You can find out the answers here.
AI translator: you will speak all languages
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been told that you have to learn foreign languages to be successful in your career. This could prove to be bad advice in the future. The reason: AI translators are getting better and better!
FUTURE BUSINESS: AI app helps save millions of lives
In the Future Business series, we take a look at markets and business areas that are just at the beginning of the famous S-curve, meaning they still offer great opportunities and are transferable to many industries. Certainly also on your business and your job.
Profiting from the digital transformation
Chatbots or robo-advisor applications are now also in use within the banking, fund and insurance landscape. The systems, some of which are based on artificial intelligence (AI), can do much more than one might think.
Filling the vacuum of digitization among brokers
How will artificial intelligence change the market for financial and insurance services? This question was the focus of this year’s BCA Press Dialog in Frankfurt am Main. The key takeaway from the event was that “the added value of the intermediary remains.”