Make your vision work! How to successfully implement your vision

Make your vision work

Even the best vision is of no use if you don’t communicate it effectively. And in such a way that it reaches the minds, hearts and hands of your employees and is consistently targeted in day-to-day business as an image of the future. In theory, this sounds logical and simple, but in practice it is anything but trivial. Therefore, this is where the work really begins.

Vision creates earnings & enterprise value

Ertrag Unternehmenswert

– Less comparability – more unique position and margin
– No stagnation – more potential utilization and turnover
– Lower costs – higher yield
– Fewer financial worries – maximum enterprise value

Vision creates energy & performance

Energie Leistung

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 5 With three examples I will show you how vision creates energy & performance! 12. Less sluggishness – more motivation and performance (Energy & Performance) Problem Why are your employees resisting the change they need? Solution What fascinates […]

Vision creates simplicity & efficiency

Einfachheit Effizienz

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 4 Using three examples, I’ll show you how Vision creates simplicity & efficiency! 09. Less small stuff – more view on the whole (simplicity & efficiency) Problem Why do you decide so often and so much? Solution Where […]

Vision creates clarity & effectiveness

Klarheit Wirksamkeit

– Less confusion – more clarity and orientation
– Fewer conflicts – more unity and alignment
– Less distraction – more focus and power
– Less effort and stress – higher leadership effectiveness

Vision creates opportunities & security

Vision Sicherheit

Where do you lead? How to make your mission and vision your most profitable investment! – PART 2 Using four examples, I will show you how Vision creates opportunities & security! 01. Fewer threats – more future opportunities (Opportunities & Security) Problem Why are you no longer really looking forward to your future successes? Solution […]

Profiting from the digital transformation

Vom Digitalen Wandel profitieren

Chatbots or robo-advisor applications are now also in use within the banking, fund and insurance landscape. The systems, some of which are based on artificial intelligence (AI), can do much more than one might think.