The community of forward-looking managers

Our mission is to inspire and support as many entrepreneurs and managers like you as possible. With future knowledge, future strategies and leadership methods. So that you can lead your team and company with more foresight, with a credible and attractive  future and lead it with solid and innovative strategies for the future. For more Joy for the future.

So that your company remains or becomes a future-proof “Bright Future Business”.

What is special about the FMG?

Report: Cleantech is growing exponentially

Energy is becoming ever more sustainable and cheaper. Many people don’t believe that. But the reality is exactly the same. The cleantech sector has seen remarkable growth over the last ten years. The new RMI report shows that sustainable energy will continue to grow exponentially in the future.

Zwei Domänen der Positionierung

Creating competitive advantages: The two domains of positioning

Your positioning serves to create, maintain and expand competitive advantages. The word positioning is used both in marketing and in the business model. Most consultants and strategists only ever talk about positioning in marketing terms. However, business model positioning is no less important. In this video, Pero Mićić explains the two domains of positioning.

Expert interview: The optimal China strategy

China is already a strong player in the global economy today and will be even more so in the future. I spoke to Markus Schädlich, a very experienced Asia and China expert from our expert network, about the optimal China strategy for European companies.

Business Wargaming

Business Wargaming

It’s quite likely that aggressive competitors that you don’t even know yet will attack you unexpectedly to steal your customers and orders. Recognize the blind spots in your strategy and make your business more future-proof!

Disruption Automobil

The biggest disruption in economic history

This is what future sales on the European car market will (probably) look like… Even if the real timeline might be somewhat stretched. This plausible scenario is in line with what we have been communicating to our customers since at least 2016. Long discussions and a lot of disbelief… But in the end, some damage was prevented. Read the sequence of events.

Reinhard Lülff Welotec

Dr. Reinhard Lülff on his new strategy for the future

WELOTEC GmbH has developed its future strategy with us. With almost 70 employees, Welotec from Laer near Münster is a highly specialized and globally successful medium-sized company.
Owner and Managing Director Dr. Reinhard Lülff explains the approach and benefits of his new future strategy in a video interview. Above all, his employees are looking forward to the future.

Stanford AI Index: Guide to the AI revolution

The Stanford AI Index provides an annual, comprehensive analysis of artificial intelligence. It covers areas such as investments, technological advances and political developments to inform scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians about the current status and future prospects of artificial intelligence.

Wie lernen humanoide Roboter?

How do humanoid robots learn?

How do humanoid robots learn? Through training? Observation? Imitation? Experience? Humanoid robots will fundamentally change our working world and thus also society. You and your company need to start preparing for this new era now.

Example of a mission (FMG)

What are we here for? The short version of our mission is: “We inspire and equip leaders to envision and build a bright future of their business!” Our mission drives us and guides us. In the video we show you the long version – illustrated and explained.

The Global 50 Future Opportunities Report 2024

The latest “Global 50 Future Opportunities Report” by the Dubai Future Foundation offers a fascinating and far-reaching vision for the future of global markets and technologies. Discover groundbreaking innovations and future trends!

Big Ideas 2024

The new “Big Ideas 2024” report from ARK Invest is once again a source of highly ambitious and optimistic technology prospects for the coming years and decades. If the researchers and investment consultants led by Cathy Woods have their way, artificial intelligence in particular will lead to an enormous wave of growth in the global economy that is almost unimaginable for most people.

The three core elements of your strategic orientation

Three questions constitute your company: What are we here for? How are we unique in this? What do we want to achieve? These are mission, positioning and vision. Time and again, even the most professional and largest companies confuse these terms.

Success with AI in SMEs: Interview with Marcapo

Gain valuable insights into Marcapo’s success in implementing AI in SMEs. Join us for an exclusive interview with the three founders and managing directors, in which they talk about their journey and their strategies for AI success.

How long does an electric car battery last?

How long does the battery of an electric car last? Some say many hundreds of thousands of kilometers, others say that the battery is scrap after barely 100,000 kilometers and must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Which is true?

How quickly will AI improve?

Many people make fun of what ChatGPT & Co. can’t do. Most people have difficulty imagining exponential developments. How quickly will AI get better?