Business Wargaming

Recognize the blind spots in your strategy and make your business more future-proof

It is quite likely that aggressive competitors that you don’t even know yet will attack you unexpectedly in order to steal your customers and orders.

But who could it be and how exactly could it happen?

Has your team become complacent? Are you worried about the future viability of your business? Are you lacking really good ideas on how to make your business great and future-proof again? Play a business wargame! In three short videos you will receive instructions here.

A historical case study - "The Battle of Dorking"

A wargame may have saved Great Britain from disaster.

What is a business wargame? How do you go about it?

Watch this video to find out the steps you need to take to determine how disruptive competitors could attack your company. And how you can protect yourself from them and even profit from them.

In which situations is a business wargame useful?

In this video, Pero Mićić explains the problems for which a business wargame is a very helpful solution method for you.

We will be happy to answer your questions about the use of business wargaming in your team and company.

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