The community of forward-looking managers

Our mission is to inspire and support as many entrepreneurs and managers like you as possible. With future knowledge, future strategies and leadership methods. So that you can lead your team and company with more foresight, with a credible and attractive  future and lead it with solid and innovative strategies for the future. For more Joy for the future.

So that your company remains or becomes a future-proof “Bright Future Business”.

What is special about the FMG?

Report: Ways out of dependence on raw materials

Dependence on a small number of raw material supplier countries poses a major risk to the future viability of the German economy. The report by Roland Berger and the BDI shows how Germany can secure its supply of raw materials in the long term.

Free audiobook

We live in a time when nothing is predictable and no company or job is safe. Pero Mićić shares his master plan for future security with you – as a free audiobook on Spotify.

Robotaxi Vortrag Thumb

Robotaxis: the consequences for the European economy

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Pero Mićić (recording). The current layoffs, plant closures and strikes in the European automotive industry are unfortunately just the beginning. The European and, above all, the German economy is threatened by the next disruption: robotaxis.

Report: 18 arenas of competition in the future

The McKinsey report “The Next Big Arenas of Competition” identifies 18 industries and technologies that will shape the global economy by 2040, including AI, electric vehicles, robotics and the space economy. These arenas of competition are characterized by high growth and could generate profits in the trillions.

Report: Technology Innovations Outlook 2025-2035

The IDTechEx Technology Innovations Outlook 2025-2035 is a comprehensive report that analyzes technological trends and innovations that will shape the next ten years. These include future technologies such as autonomous vehicles, sustainable materials, 6G and quantum computing.

Innovation: Neuralink will allow blind people to see again

The vision of restoring sight to the blind is within reach thanks to Neuralink’s innovative technology. Neuralink’s founder, Elon Musk, describes the way the device works as revolutionary: it aims to directly address the visual center of the brain to restore sight.

Report: Germany’s innovative capacity and options for action

The Innovation Indicator 2024 shows that Germany continues to lose innovative strength in international comparison – and how this can be changed. The report sheds light on the areas of current innovative strength, technological future and sustainable business. Managers gain valuable insights for strategic decisions.

Report: Opportunities of the circular economy

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “Building Prosperity” report shows how the circular economy can boost European prosperity. More efficient use of resources in construction and urban development could generate annual benefits of over 700 billion euros by 2035.

Anziehender Arbeitgeber werden

Becoming future-proof by attracting excellent employees

Almost all companies complain about the shortage of skilled workers. Yet attracting excellent employees is one of the eight key characteristics of a future-proof company. I spoke to Stefan Dietz about this. He has been helping companies to become great employers for decades.

Does your team understand your future strategy?

If you want to drive a car, boat or motorcycle, you need a driver’s license. Why should your employees be allowed to work in your company if they don’t have at least a bachelor’s degree in future strategy?

Lecture: MedTech digital 2035

BVMed – Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V. has developed a vision and a picture of the future of digital data-based healthcare from the perspective of the medtech industry in a multi-client project in its digitalization working group with over 20 companies.