Crisis Opportunity No. 05: Intelligentize Your Business Model Now

Dr. Pero Mićić

What specific opportunities do you have in the crisis?

Crisis Opportunity No. 05: Intelligentize Your Business Model Now

In adversity, people become inventive, agile and energetic. At least some of your competitors that you already know, or that you haven’t even recognized as competitors yet. Right now, many companies are radically digitizing and smarting their business model. To increase customer value and reduce costs. Do not wait for this to happen. The opportunity is called: Intelligentize your business model now! I call it intelligentizing because digitalizing as a term falls far short.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence

In 1956, the first professional conference on artificial intelligence was held. Even today, decades later, it is still in its infancy. But even today, the possibilities are amazing.

Everything that humans can do cognitively, artificially intelligent machines can do today, or will soon be able to do better.

When I talk about AI here, I define it rather broadly as replicating human capabilities with information technology tools. But let’s take a systematic look at the capabilities of working humans and see in which skills AI has already surpassed us or will soon surpass us.

Recognition: AI can tell from a person’s face whether that person is likely to be lying. It can detect depression and even measure blood pressure. And it can assess the threat situation at a given location based on a myriad of factors.

Learning: AI teaches itself chess in four hours and beats our world’s best chess computer 28:0. It creates the periodic table of the elements in a few hours. It took us more than 100 years to achieve this.

Advise: Artificially intelligent systems are becoming omniscient advisors in medicine, architecture, law, and even personal coaches. They will master all psychotherapeutic interventions, use the entire Internet and, if we set it that way, read everything from us, listen to us, and coach us to our goals in everyday life within the framework of our values. And all this at minimal cost.

Communicate: AIs have lifelike faces, speak and interpret all common languages in real time, also understand body language, negotiate good purchasing terms for us, arrange hairdresser appointments for us, win technical disputes and even humorously make fun of the discussion partner.

Create: AIs compose symphonies, invent jokes, construct highly efficient components, write stories and scripts, draw pictures from texts, and even generate the virtual actors for their scripts. Not only man creates the new. AIs create the new from the same multidimensional possibility space as we humans do.

Manage: Combine AI with distributed ledgers, i.e. blockchains, and with smart contracts, and something becomes possible that is still unimaginable for most of us: the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, or DAO. Offices and administrations where no people work at all and do not need a physical location. Whether we want that is something we need to discuss. But it will be possible. And where people are free, they will take advantage of these opportunities.

Deciding: AI helps assess who has what likelihood of recidivism after release from prison. And in deciding which patients to treat in what order in an emergency, in triage. Back in 2014, the company Deep Knowledge Ventures appointed KI VITAL as its sixth board member.

Act: For years now, the U.S. Air Force has been simulating airstrikes on the U.S. that an AI comes up with. Most experienced fighter pilots defend the mainland. And often have no chance. They are regularly shot from the virtual air by the AI. Autonomous vehicles and robotaxis are therefore closer than most assume.

All of these AIs are very specialized. It’s still so-called “Narrow AI,” or narrow, specialized AI. But the spectrum it covers is rapidly expanding.

Deployment maturity for your own business model: Intelligentize!

Everything I just briefly showed already works in practical use. None of this is really future talk when it comes to technical possibility. What is still missing is the acceptance and the entrepreneurial initiative to bring these tools to deployment maturity for one’s own business model and to actually use them.

And yes, criminals and authoritarians will also use such tools. That’s a huge problem. Therefore, it is also an important and huge future market to protect ourselves against.

And no: all this is not at the expense of people. On the contrary, we can be even MORE human and enjoy our growing quality of life.

And now? Your specific task:

Describe your business model if you haven’t already. From target group definition and impact promise to solutions, order acquisition, value creation processes and resourcing.

I will be happy to send you a template for a business model that you can also use for “adult” businesses. Write to me and I will send it to you.

Go through the features and capabilities, they are human capabilities and AI capabilities. Ask for each of the 20+ elements:

  1. Which functions are used? For example, for development, production, distribution and customer acquisition.
  2. How can these functions be fulfilled by AI? No, not “which can”, but “how can”, otherwise you will stop searching too soon. Assume that virtually every function can be at least partially intelligentized.
  3. Prioritize: which functions, if intelligentized, would make many others easier or unnecessary?
  4. Find solutions for the first set of functions among the myriad startups and research projects.
  5. Implement these solutions step by step. If possible in cooperation, so that it is fast enough.

Follow these links as well:

► The Future Strategy Program for SMEs

► Free video crash course THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS
► BUSINESS WARGAMING for robust business and future opportunities
► KEYNOTES by Pero Mićić for your employees and customers

Have a bright future!