Eltville Model
With the Eltville model you solve the complexity problem in future thinking
Many practitioners avoid discussions about the future because they so often end in fog and chaos. The core problem is that you rarely have clear and precise language for the future. This creates troublesome and dangerous future confusion.
Therefore, methods and tools are also often used in the wrong place and applied incorrectly.
This is why alignments, visions and strategies are often so imprecise and inconsistent.
Use the Eltville model for your future strategy and your future thinking. It solves the complexity problem.
It is a consistent semantic conceptual model that we have developed since 1991 in practical work with managers and in phenomenological scientific work.
The Eltville model enables you and us to analyze the future of your market and make your strategic orientation very precise, consistent and effective. The Eltville model has proven itself in thousands of projects and in countless companies and organizations, including governments. And it is taught at several universities.
The "Eltville Model" for quality and effectiveness of your future strategy
With the "five glasses of the future" you start with the human motives and perspectives for the future
The Eltville model is based on the five basic human motives for foresight, the five “future glasses”. They serve the motives and longings in matters of the future that are deeply rooted in the human psyche.
This is what makes the Eltville model so easy to understand, despite the necessary complexity. That’s also what makes it so connectable for your managers and employees. Even investors are excited because of the solidity of the strategies developed with it.
The sound and precise definitions of the five types of future and the associated outcomes and processes make it easier for you to manage your future professionally.

With the process and results model you make your alignment, vision and strategy precise and consistent
The process model describes all the insight processes required in your company for developing, testing and updating your future strategy.
This is how you make your strategic direction precise and consistent.
You can vary the order of the steps in many ways. The process model is method-neutral. In principle, it allows the use of any effective method.
The result model is a consistent semantic conceptual network. It provides a clear and proven structure for your future strategy. It ensures that your direction, vision and strategy are coherently linked to underlying trends, scenarios and assumptions.
And it guarantees that your strategy is even networked with daily tasks.
Benefits of the Eltville Model
- They have it easy: they build on the five motifs for looking to the future that are familiar to everyone.
- You see the future more fully and clearly because you take in all relevant perspectives.
- You think and communicate more precisely and effectively about the future and avoid misunderstandings.
- It is much easier for them to judge the statements about the future made in the media and by futurologists.
- You have a clear structure for your future strategy.
- You have a clear and proven structure for your future projects and workshops.
- You can better assess the suitability of methods and tools and use them in a more targeted manner.